Baltic Sea Oil Spill Conference 20-21.11.2013

Baltic Sea Oil Spill Conference 20-21.11.2013 Vellamo, Kotka

Moderator: Mikael Panelius, TallinkSilja
Programme of the English-language conference:

11:45 Registration
11:55 Lunch
12:30 Welcome: Tommi Arola, Finnish Transport Agency
12:45 Oil spill prevention and cooperation along the Baltic Sea: Hermanni Backer, HELCOM
13:15 OILRISK: Riikka Venesjärvi, Helsinki University
13:45 Forecasting of oil transportation and insight in ship’s crew: Olli-Pekka Brunila, University of Turku
14:15 Coffee break
14:45 Can illegal actions cause oil spills?: Mirva Salokorpi, Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences
15:05 Contributors to a grounding accident – What does evidence tell: Arsham Mazaheri, Aalto University
15:35 Assessing the consequences of collision and grounding accidents: Kristjan Tabri, Tallinn University of Technology
15:45 Smart Response Web – enabling dynamic situation awareness: Robert Aps, University of Tartu
16:15 Estimating length of oiled coastline after a spill: Kim Dahlbo, Finnish Environment Institute
16:30 The HELCOM oil drift forecast system Seatrack Web: Anette Jönsson, SMHI
17:00 A metamodel for evaluating measures to minimize oil spill risks: Annukka Lehikoinen, University of Helsinki

17.20 A risk governance framework to improve maritime safety: Päivi Haapasaari, University of Helsinki
18:00 Conclusion
19:00 Dinner at Fransmanni, Keskuskatu 21 (at own expense)

Thursday 21 November 2013

9:30 Oil spill risk management in the Baltic Sea: Agoshkov, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Moscow
9:45 Optimum ship routes – a risk theory based solution: Agoshkov, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Moscow
10:00 The Baltic Sea circulation and assessment of marine pollution: Zalesny, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Moscow
10:15 Baltic cooperation for oil spills: Jonas Pålsson, Baltic Maritime Science Park
10:35 Oil Spill Recovery in Ice: Esa Ritari, Aker Arctic
10:55 Coffee
11:15 Baltic cooperation for authorities: Ojars Gerke, Latvian Coast Guard
11:45 Concluding remarks: Pentti Kujala, Aalto University
12:00 End of the conference

CAFE at European Maritime Days

Results of the CAFE project were presented at the European Maritime Days event that took place in Malta on 21 and 22 May. The event gathers European maritime experts and constitute an important forum for the transmission of project results.