Winter navigation risks and oil contingency plan
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The WINOIL (Winter navigation risks and oil contingency plan) project sought to improve maritime safety by developing a reliable ice navigation simulation and enhancing oil spill control capabilities in ice conditions.

The project developed recommendations regarding cost-effective risk management measures designed to reduce the environmental, human and financial risks in the Gulf of Finland’s winter conditions. In addition, a numerical model of how vessels behave in ice conditions was developed.

The WINOIL project updated the Russo-Finnish contingency plan for oil spills, and confirmed the effectiveness of cooperation and information exchange in emergency situations.


Southeastern Finland–Russia ENPI, with a budget of 693,353 euros.

Project partners

Kotka Maritime Research Association (coordinator)
Aalto University
Finnish Environmental Centre
Central Marine Research & Design Institute Ltd
Baltic Salvage and Towage Company
St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University
Agency of Ecological Consulting and Nature Protection Design

Winoil brochure

WINOIL Final Seminar

The final seminar for the WINOIL project was held on 30 September in St. Petersburg’s Central Marine Research & Design Institute (CNIIMF). Download the programme here.

Implementation time

1.12.2012 - 30.11.2014