SAVE THE DATE: COMPLETE Stakeholder Conference on 4-5 December 2019

Stakeholder conference

Towards solutions for sustainable shipping and boating: better biofouling and ballast water management

will be organized by COMPLETE project in Jurmala (Latvia), on 4–5 December 2019.

The aim of the conference is to discuss potential solutions and sustainable management options to reducing the risk of invasive species introductions caused by shipping and boating in the Baltic Sea Region. The latest findings on the magnitude of the biofouling issue, and the current practices for biofouling management will be presented, and cost-effective solutions to harmonizing management actions across the region will be sought. Biofouling management will be discussed from the viewpoints of both the commercial shipping sector as well as the leisure boating sector. Moreover, the need for an early warning system for harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens in the region, and the scientific support for harmonized implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention will be clarified.

More information of the event at conference web page.

New article on Port Digitalization published

An article on Port Digitalization and Open Data was recently published in the Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity. Professor Tommi Inkinen from the Brahea Center of the Turku University, Centre for Maritime Studies (CMS), has acted as the main author. The research data and analysis are based on the work of researchers at the DigiPort project, Janne Saarikoski (Kotka Maritime research Centre) and Reima Helminen (CMS) in a report on the current state of Port Digitalization.

The article can be downloaded from this link:

Aalto hosts the ISSAV and ESWC 2019


International Seminar on Safety and Security of Autonomous Vessels (ISSAV) 2019 & European STAMP Workshop and Conference (ESWC) 2019

Date:                  17-20 September 2019

Place:                 Hanasaari Culture Center and Conference Hotel, Espoo, Finland.

Aalto University is proud to host the 2nd edition of the International Seminar on Safety and Security of Autonomous Vessels (ISSAV) together with the 7th edition of the European STAMP Workshop and Conference (ESWC).

You can find more information about the event(s) in the ISSAV and ESWC 2019 Information leaflet or in the ISSAV and ESWC 2019 website:

You can register via the following Link.


INFUTURE visit Volgo-Balt Administration in St Petersburg


INFUTURE held its 2nd working group meeting at Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping in St Petersburg on April 10, 2019. The main issues were to have a discussion related to project ongoing works and to continuation of those works in the near future. The working group meeting was attended by representatives of all Finnish and Russian partners and experts on inland waterway traffic. The project started perfectly. The first report named “Prosperous Future of Inland Waterways” had been published and can be found on Merikotka website at

On the second day, the INFUTURE group had an opportunity to visit the Volgo-Balt Administration in St Petersburg. The Deputy Head of Volgo-Balt Administration Mr. Gennady Iosifovich Aizen personally welcomed the delegation of Finnish representatives and the Russian participants of the INFUTURE project. He spoke about the role and importance of Volgo-Balt Administration, and cited the main data characterizing its activities in the region.

The next speaker, the leading specialist of the Basin Communications Centre Mr. Alexandr Anatolyevich Zhegalin, spoke about providing communications to navigators, the development of differential correction services and the prospects for implementation of river information services. The Deputy Head of the Cartographic Service Mr. Gleb Borisovich Chistyakov reported on the main tasks facing the cartographic service, on the modern technologies for creating paper and electronic navigation charts, on the operational aspects of providing cartographic products and proofreading data to ship-owners and captains, as well as on the introduction of digital technologies on the Volga-Baltic waterway.

The Finnish part of the project was presented by Ms. Tarja Javanainen (Merikotka) and Mr. Pekka Koskinen (Finnish Waterway Association). Their presentations were devoted both to the introduction of the project “The Future Potential of Inland Waterways” itself, as well as to the condition and development of ports and inland waterways in Finland and Sweden, and their role in the Baltic Sea region.

The project participants visited the Basin Communications Centre and the Ship Traffic Control Service, where the capabilities of the Volgo-Balt Administration in the operational monitoring of the entrusted waterways and fleet traffic control were demonstrated to them. The parties expressed a unanimous opinion about the need to attract young professionals and scientists to the work and activities under the project. The completion of the second day of work marked the successful completion of the second working meeting on the INFUTURE project.

Hack the Port created new digital solution ideas for the port

DigiPort project organized the Hack the Port hackathon in Mussalo Port, Kotka, 9-11 April. Hackathon is a problem-solving event where teams of students try to develop new, innovative solutions to the challenges of everyday life. The theme of Hack the Port was to streamline port operations through digitalization and open data.

There were 20 participants and they were divided into five teams. Students represented different training programs. There were students from computer networks, cyber security, construction and service design as well as a sea captain student. Through multidisciplinarity, it is possible to combine different kinds of expertise, which can lead to “outside the box” solutions

The event was opened on Tuesday morning at 9.4. by mrs. Eija Rossi, Commercial Director of HaminaKotka Satama Oy, at the Merituuli office center of the port of Mussalo.

Eija Rossi introduced port company operations and role, and emphasized the need for new ideas and solutions in the port industry.

After the opening, there was an observation tour in the port area of ​​Mussalo. On the tour, the teams saw in concrete terms what was happening in the port and heard the views of different actors. At the same time, they had the opportunity to ask questions. The tour started with a general introduction by Ville Kuitunen of HaminaKotka Satama Oy, after which VR Transpoint Oy’s Jani Liikanen told about the organization and challenges of rail traffic in the port. The next step was the container terminal, where Steveco Oy’s Mikko Raki introduced container operations and the underlying information systems. Finally, we visited the liquid harbor where Suvi-Tuuli Lappalainen from Oiltanking Finland Oy introduced chemical operations and safety issues.

Ville Kuitunen, Sales Manager of HaminaKotka Satama Oy, began a tour with a general presentation of the Mussalo port area on the roof terrace of the Merituuli office center

After lunch, teams were presented with pre-defined challenges:
1. Developing port digital situational awareness
2. Streamlining port traffic through digitalization
3. Digitalization of port security
4. Risk analysis of the port’s open data sources
5. Open challenge

To solve the challenges, students had been provided with various background materials such as links to open data guides and databases, and research data from the DigiPort project workshops in spring 2018 in Kotka and Turku.

Work started at the Merituuli office center was continued in the Villa Aava in the nearby Santalahti Resort. Teams worked overnight and the day changed on Wednesday 10.4. At noon, the teams spread apart to finish their work independently.

Thursday morning 11.4. they met in the center of Kotka in XAMK Xlab. Teams were offered pitch training for a smooth and interesting presentation of solution ideas. Teams were also able to practice in front of the test jury. On the basis of the feedback received from them, the teams finished their final performances.

In the afternoon, the actual pitching and award ceremony took place. Hackathon jury included Research Director Maria Hänninen from Merikotka, Logistics Manager Olli-Pekka Brunila from XAMK, Sales Manager Ville Kuitunen from HaminaKotka Satama Oy and Project Manager Antti Viitanen from *ship Startup Festival.

Team PowerSquare was chosen as the winning team. Their idea was to streamline port road traffic by digitizing the driving instructions to the port. Moving around in the port area is often perceived as confusing and navigation may not be successful with standard navigation applications. At the moment, drivers are getting a paper map at the gate for instructions to deliver their cargo. In Team PowerSquare application, drivers are sent an e-mail with an information package that includes driving instructions and information about the area’s security arrangements and services.

Second came Team Jaa-a. Their solution was also related to traffic management by processing data from port entry gates and data from open road data sources. The goal is to avoid peaks and to ensure that the available capacity of the port area road network is not exceeded.

The third place was divided between two teams. The idea of ​​the “SH Double” team “Connecting Port People” brought a human-centered perspective on port digitalization. It was a construction of a new digital ecosystem for the port community. The Hak5 team’s output was a machine-vision-based traffic control and management solution.

The atmosphere of the award ceremony with Xlab.

Award-winning teams have the opportunity to refine their ideas and present them to mentors and funders at the *Ship Startup Festival.

The Baltic Seas International Maritime Conference: Call for Abstracts open


The Baltic Seas International Maritime Conference – European Maritime Research from Adriatic to Baltic will be held in Turku, September 24-25, 2019.

The conference, organized by the University of Turku, Kotka Maritime Research Centre and the University of Le Havre invites all interested participants from across the globe to submit papers or abstracts and present the latest scientific developments. Join and share the latest innovations and developments in maritime studies, technological advancements, sea borne logistics, and port operations. The event is a unique experience to exchange ideas and encourage collaboration with colleagues from academia.

The first day of the Conference is scientific. On the second day, Kotka Maritime Research Centre organizes an extra session which focuses on accidental spill risk management in the Baltic Sea and is aimed at professionals, academics and students.

All abstracts are single-blind peer reviewed and they should be 1 pages in length. Abstracts may be submitted to until 15th May 2019.

More information from the Conference leaflet


COMPLETE project at IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project Kick Off

The work of the COMPLETE project ( was represented by Dr. Annika Krutwa/Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Germany), among other recent initiatives at the regional and global level, at the IMO GloFouling Partnerships Project kick-off meeting in London on 18-20 March. COMPLETE activities for filling knowledge gaps constitute the basis for the development of a regional harmonized Baltic Sea management strategy on biofouling to minimize species introduction and spread and provide the knowledge basis for a Baltic Sea wide harmonization of processes. Global co-operation in required for facing the challenges in the management of biofouling and invasive alien species.

Follow the link to the briefing about the meeting here.


4-8 March 2019, Weymouth, England: COMPLETE partners participated in the ICES Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors (WGBOSV) and ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group on Introduction and Transfer of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) meetings. They presented and discussed the project progress at the international expert level, and received up-to-date information of the latest findings in the field of invasive alien species transported by maritime traffic.