5-9 March 2018, Madeira, Portugal: COMPLETE partners participated in the ICES Working Group on Ballast and Other Ship Vectors (WGBOSV) and ICES/IOC/IMO Working Group on Introduction and Transfer of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) and presented and discussed the project at international expert level. The expert group reports can be found here: WGBOSV and WGITMO.
COMPLETE project presented at the 8th Meeting of the Joint HELCOM/OSPAR TG Ballast
16-17 November 2017, Helsinki, Finland: Tasks and activities of COMPLETE were discussed in the light of the information needed by TG Ballast for the ongoing amendment of the HELCOM/OSPAR Joint Harmonized procedure on granting exemptions from ballast water treatment provisions of the 2004 International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM Convention) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). (https://bit.ly/2Mnq1Xn; https://bit.ly/2l7Pdos).
COMPLETE at EUSBSR PA Ship Steering Committee meeting on 7 November 2017
COMPLETE project was introduced to the 9th international Steering Committee meeting of PA Ship on 7 November 2017 in Gdansk, Poland (https://bit.ly/2JKVocL).
COMPLETE presented at BONUS SYMPOSIUM in Tallinn 17-19 October 2017
17-19 October 2017, Tallinn, Estonia: COMPLETE was presented at the BONUS SYMPOSIUM “Science delivery for the sustainable use of the Baltic Sea living resources” (http://www.bonus-inspire.org/symposium) with a poster presentation of the project aims and activities.
10-12 October 2017, St. Petersburg, Russia: Tasks and planned activities of the newly started COMPLETE project were presented at the 17th Meeting of the HELCOM Maritime Working Group (MARITIME 17-2017).