
Scientific publications

Geographies of Disruption

Yigitcanlar, T. & T. Inkinen 2019
Place Making for Innovation in the Age of Knowledge Economy. 326 p. Springer, New York.

Other publications

Inland waterway vessel concepts – Part 1

Lebedeva, M., Yatsuk, Y., Khomyakov, A., Lebedev, A., Afanasiev, A., Vasilieva, A., Ushakov, K., & Vetoshkin, A.
Project report concerning work package 3. Admiral Makarov SUMIS, St. Petersburg 2019.

Russian and Finland inland waterways future

Javanainen, T. & Pimonenko, M. in the proceedings of the 18th International Conference "Logistics: Modern Trends of Development" 4-5 April 2019 Admiral Makarov State University for Maritime and Inland Shipping, St.Petersburg (pages 275-277)